The Exit options

Dear Accountant,

In my last post I set out how we are helping accountants and their clients to work out their optimum exit strategy by using Business Dashboard® technology which values your business as it is today and as it would be if it performing up to industry benchmarks.

I then posed 6 key questions for the business owner to answer enabling them to make the right decisions. And here are some that we’ve helped accountants to make and the considerations involved:

We are helping practices to implement all of these, so in my next post I’ll look at some of the techniques.

Meanwhile, if you’d like to roadtest your options at no cost... feel free to book a session here.

With kind regards from


This is one of a major series that reveals Runagood® Business Consultancy techniques.

See all our blog posts here

Duncan Collins founded Runagood® to make practical solutions affordable for owner managers via accountancy practices, profitably, by pioneering AI. He has automated the 000’s of consultancy techniques he learned the hard way during 60 years of running, helping, buying, selling businesses large and small. Ask him anything, anytime for free at

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 for every Business Owner Ambition and Problem