Choosing your client's first Methods

So, you’ve set out the Finance improvement plan with your client and you need to choose one of these Methods (strategies) to start with.

You’ll discuss where the most pressing need is. It might be the records are poor, so with a Review (F01), or s/he’s suffering cashflow / profit pressures and wants a quick fix go for (F02/F03). But if there is neither a mess nor a crisis, insist on starting with F06 ‘Introduce Budgeting and Forecasting’ as very few businesses do this essential foundation work upon which your long term financial management services contract will be built.

By the click of a button you’ll then load this into the Financial Management Plan that you already have open and you’re ready to start implementing with the bottom line objectives identified in the Business Dashboard® assessment with which you started.

In the next post I’ll open up the Budgeting and Forecasting Action Plan so you can see exactly what to do.

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