Producing a value forecast for your client

So, you’ve presented your client with a free Financial Trends Assessment and Business Dashboard® Report. You’ve used ‘Active Listening’ techniques to summarise and confirm their response and they’ve admitted to at least one insoluble problem or ambition. 

Now your client wants to know “what next?” Now you produce an instant value forecast derived automatically from the Business Dashboard® data you already have.  

Invite your client to tell you when they plan to retire and how much money they will need to do so in comfort. Then show them the graph of what the business will be worth if they go on as they are and how much more it’ll be worth if they solve the problems and ambitions they’ve already agreed with you.  

Toggle the dates and amounts they mention, each showing you feasibility of achieving chosen scenarios: Red = impossible without new investment. Amber = feasible but hard work. Green relatively easy. Make them choose one.  

Now you’re ready to show them how that will be achieved. So, look out for my next post as we’re on the brink of acquiring new recurring revenue.  

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