Improving your client's leadership skills

So, the Personal Dashboard® Assessment has identified that your client’s clear personal goal is to be a more effective person generally. The reasons may be frustration at not getting the business or its people performing well enough and / or not making the desired impact in personal and social relationships. Whatever, a strategy is needed that moves the reality of the individual towards the vision of how they wish to be.  

The Runagood® Personal Effectiveness Strategy is composed of 11 Methods, each an essential building block towards constructing a convincing profile that gets results. Inside each of these is up to 20 detailed Action Plans which when organised and implemented firmly will give your client the personal effectiveness they crave.  

The pathway will be clear and effective in your hands.   

In the next post we’ll look at where you and the business owner have chosen Diversification as the personal goal, and how to achieve it.

Practical stuff from AI Business Advisor® see the series here