Introducing the Business Dashboard® Assessment

So, you’ve given your client the present of their financial trends analysed (see last post) which has got them talking about their hopes and concerns. Now you’re going to surprise them with another present, their Business Dashboard® benchmark assessment.

So, log on to your Runagood® account, answer the simple questions and their Business Dashboard® will appear on screen. You will know most of these anyway from the work you did preparing their Financial Trends Analysis.

Sense check it for irrational answers caused by input errors or unusual circumstances eg negative assets combined with losses, and correct it with your own assumptions.


Show it to your client (on screen or as this printed picture of page 3) and ask what they think about it.

Listen for their reaction and explanations. You will learn a great deal (more) that you didn’t know before about your client, their business and their hopes and fears. Then book another meeting date in the near future (keeping things fresh) at which you will hand them the full 26-page report, going into much detail. (Don’t send it beforehand).

You’ve just taken another important step on the Financial Advisory journey, along the pathway that leads to Business Advisory and becoming their ‘Trusted Advisor’

In the next post we’ll look at how you prepare for the next meeting and more black magic!

More practical stuff from Runagood®

Click here to see a full Business Dashboard® report

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