Securing your clients on a monthly contract

You’ve chosen 3 Financial Management Methods to start implementing your client’s Finance Plan (see last post) so it’s time to sign the monthly subscription contract.

They rightly want to know how you’ll do that, what the outcome will be for them and the cost of the project.

So, using the contract template, and Business Dashboard® Forecasts, fill in:

  1. The long-term goal to keep the big picture in sight (e.g. a future value)

  2. A series of short-term goals for project continuity (e.g. one Action Plan pm)

  3. Measurements to check progress along the way (added to KPI reporting)

  4. Your implementation method to use from: 

    • Mentoring

    • Coaching

    • Consulting

    • Training

    • Project Management

  5. Your fee options (presented in terms of ROI)

My next post will cover unlocking the Action Plans and implementation options.

Practical stuff from AI Business Advisor® see the series here