The pain of research

The pain of research – who dares?

Well, we dared, after agonising for too long about losing accountant partners who had joined us enthusiastically then dropped out at a cost of about £1000 each to us.

We asked Kim Searle to speak to them for us and here is what they collectively said:

“I wanted (and still want) to move up from ‘compliance only’ into advisory work and hoped that a Runagood® Partnership would do it for me.

But the training was too time consuming, and I felt uncomfortable about approaching my existing clients to use the tech on them if I’m brutally honest.

So, I tried using it as a marketing tool instead, to attract new businesses, but all the ones I met didn’t want advisory work – just compliance!

So, I was stuck, paying Runagood® every month for something I wasn’t using, feeling a bit dumb so reluctantly, I stopped. I feel I failed and still I don’t know the answer by the way…”

Then, Kim asked them a key question, “What would make you come back?”

And here is what they (collectively) asked for: 

  1. The addition of client financial management methods to use before business methods  

  2. A full (baby steps) process to use on any business 

  3. The ability to join them to it at any stage, from start up to exit  

  4. More automation and less thinking 

  5. Training at a rate and cost of my choosing  

  6. Lower cost technology licences  

  7. Early new revenue and quick wins to justify my investment  

  8. National marketing to drive enquiries to me    

  9. Advice on how to reorganise my practice to confidently move into advisory 

Tall orders, but we cracked most of them and the results can be seen here on our website. (Since when sales have taken off).

Practical stuff from AI Business Advisor®

Runagood Ltd