Turn your practice into a business that grows and grows

Is your accountancy practice structured like this?

If so, that’s normal, meaning that growth can only be achieved by hiring more standard accountants until the owner is overloaded and decides to stop. Or takes on a partner to share the management load (and the profit).

This classic model ensures that ROI flatlines permanently,

regardless of sales growth


Runagood® Partners overcome this by adopting a model which operates vertically:

This business structure contains the same number of people, paid the same, but bonused (only) from profit growth. Management responsibilities are divided fractionally to the most logical individual and roles expand to full time as the business grows.

Each gets a job description that links their responsibilities to the business growth plan and matches these to KPI reports. Appraisals identify and provide personal development needs to keep raising competence and performance (all provided by Runagood®).

Not only is this a structure that has no limit to its growth but it’s very efficient and highly motivational to the team as they experience personal management responsibilities, development and job interest.

Get a free assessment of how the Runagood® growth strategy would work for you

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