What We Can All Learn From KPMG

As an accountant, you are probably thinking about how you can help your clients by offering them business advice. Advisory services are on the rise – and it can often seem obvious to an expert like you how your clients could make their business more efficient and profitable.

What is often not so obvious is that we could do with applying that advice to ourselves. KPMG recently announced a wave of restructuring and budget changes which made headlines. It may seem a sign that things aren’t going well when staff are asked to hand in their mobile phones.

However, some sensible moves to cut costs, create a strategy for growth and refocus your talent where it is needed could benefit every practice, whatever its size.

In other words, we could all do with taking a leaf out of KPMG’s book, even if we keep our mobile phones.

The best way to hone the advice you give your clients is to get your own house in order first.

That’s why we are offering you a chance to try out our online Business Dashboard® Assessment & Valuation Tool for free.

Run a one-year report in just 15 minutes to benchmark your own effectiveness in marketing, people productivity, client retention, operating efficiency and business value to pinpoint what stops your practice thriving and growing. 

Get it by clicking HERE

Upon completion, you will receive a detailed 26 page summary of your business. We will then arrange a time to go through the report together in detail, not just to improve your practice but see how you can use it improve client performance as an AI Business Advisor®.

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