Marketing Action Plans

Dear Accountant,

In my last post  your client’s management accounts had shown persistent below budget performance for new business sales. You had tracked the source to ineffective marketing by applying Runagood® Tech and established the cause to be insufficient knowledge of the market despite the client wanting to risk spending money on increased activity.

You stopped the waste by showing the need to first carry out research eg: who is the ideal customer? What do they want? How best to reach them? What are our competitors doing? What industry data are available? How to get a focus group on the case? and so on.

You get all that in Marketing Method M01 (one of 14) containing detailed 17 Action Plans.

In my next post I’ll show how to implement these and get paid! Meanwhile, you can take a closer look at this and all the tech here.

With kind regards from


This is one of a major series that reveals all the processes to use. But if you wish to jump ahead to see what’s coming, ask us here or to see what’s already been posted click here.

Duncan Collins founded Runagood® to make practical solutions affordable for owner managers via accountancy practices, profitably, by pioneering AI. He has automated the 000’s of consultancy techniques he learned the hard way during 60 years of running, helping, buying, selling businesses large and small. Ask him anything, anytime for free at

There is a ‘Runagood® Business’ Process
 for every Business Owner Ambition and Problem