How to assess your client's personal goals?

You are now firmly established as your client’s locum FD and AI Business Advisor® implementing a series of Action Plans covering Marketing, Operations, Systems, People, Finance, at the rate of one per month. You now have several years of steady subscription income work ahead of you and a client who will keep growing and stay close to you.  

So, it’s now time to cement the relationship forever by also helping your client get from the business what they need personally.   

It starts by carrying out a Personal Dashboard® assessment.

Use these measures to determine whether the business owner is mostly driven by the need to: 

  • Sell by a given date

  • Grow to a certain size

  • Develop a particular lifestyle

  • Improve their personal effectiveness

  • Diversify into new products or markets

So in the next post we’ll start a series of Action Plans to help the business owner get more out of the business personally by looking at each of these.

Practical stuff from AI Business Advisor® see the series here