Prioritising your client's needs

So, your client’s Personal Dashboard shows one of these as the pressing need, sometimes two equally.

They will appear in priority order of what the owner most wants the business to achieve for them. It’s the core of their purpose for being in business, so identifying and acting on it will determine whether the business plan you have created with them will be implemented or not. Failure to get this right explains why most business plans are abandoned after a few months.  

The owner’s personal plan choices will be to: 

  • Sell the business by a given date for a chosen amount

  • Grow it to a certain size measured by market share and profit

  • Develop a particular lifestyle that the business will finance

  • Improve their personal effectiveness to become a better leader or celebrity

  • Survive or grow by diversifying into new products or markets

So in the next posts we’ll look at the Action Plans that will enable the business owner to achieve these ambitions.

Practical stuff from AI Business Advisor® see the series here