How to be a good business consultant

Your client has agreed to implement your Runagood® Action Plan and is lowly motivated, very busy or technically weak. So, Consultancy is a sure way of successful implementation (see earlier post on DISC personality profiling).

  1. Set up monthly Action Plans to be realistic, measurable, and accessible

  2. 50% actions by Client who is 50% responsible

  3. 50% actions by Consultant who is 50% responsible

  4. Consultant name is in the Action for at least 50% of the actions

  5. Which s/he must carry out for the Client

  6. Check progress daily by opening Action Plan online

  7. Visit regularly to be visible and interact with stakeholders

  8. Be assertive to get things done – you’ve sold a result not time

  9. Upsell to (brief) Project Management if overwhelmed

  10. Downgrade to Coaching ASAP before Client gets scared at your cost

A typical consultancy-led implementation for an accountant would be advising on and installing financial management systems where high expertise is needed which most clients lack. But when implementing business advice where the Client has better expertise and control, coaching is preferable. 

The next post will deal with how to implement Action Plans in the Trainer role. 

Practical stuff from AI Business Advisor® see the series here

See the Runagood® Pathway in action