How to be a good business trainer

Your client has agreed to implement your Runagood® Action Plan and feels motivated to acquire personal management development and wishes to learn by developing their team. This approach can be powerful (see earlier post on DISC personality profiling).

  1. 100% actions by Client who is 100% responsible for implementation outcomes

  2. Trainer 100% responsible for skilling Client in implementation techniques

  3. Teach Client key elements of Coaching and Consultancy skills, 'by doing'

  4. Run team sessions with Client leading and Trainer observing

  5. Run private sessions with Client to provide feedback and learning points

  6. Client acquires skills ‘by doing’ to select and implement Action Plans through the team

  7. Switch to Coaching if not making progress to be more assertive

The next post will deal with how to implement Action Plans in the Project Manager role. 

Practical stuff from AI Business Advisor® see the series here

See the Runagood® Pathway in action