How to be a good business mentor

Your client has agreed to implement your Runagood® Action Plan. The most laid back and low-cost way to implement an Action Plan (see previous posts) is by Mentoring, provided your Client is self-aware and motivated to succeed (see earlier post on DISC personality profiling).

But if not, insist on a more hands on method (see next post).

  1. 90% actions by Client who is 100% responsible

  2. Check progress weekly by opening Action Plan online

  3. Call Client fortnightly to schedule and offer congrats or concerns

  4. Ask what has worked (to do more of)

  5. Ask what hasn't worked (to find answers to)

  6. Share your own (relevant) experiences or those of other clients

  7. Debate the options. Client learns and is remotivated

  8. Add agreed actions to the plan to review at the next meeting

  9. Upsell to Coaching if not making enough progress

Practical stuff from AI Business Advisor® see the series here

See the Runagood® Pathway in action