How to be a good project manager

Your client wishes to implement your Runagood® Action Plan but feels temporarily out of control while grappling with a crisis, needing another pair of executive hands. So bring in a Project Manager to take control of implementation (see earlier post on DISC personality profiling).

  1. Don’t be the Project Manager yourself, you have a practice to run

  2. Appoint a retired Client who’s fed up with golf and holidays

  3. Teach them how to set up and manage Action Plans

  4. Contract with Client for fixed fees, activities, outcomes, authority, finish date

  5. Project Manager accountable to you for project completion and quality

  6. 100% actions by Project Manager who is 100% responsible

  7. Teaches in-house team or a replacement, to take over

  8. Works full time – onsite

  9. Downscale to Coaching ASAP before Client gets scared of cost

The next posts will deal with how to use your Financial Management services to help the Client spot the Business problems that are holding back financial performance.

Practical stuff from AI Business Advisor® see the series here

See the Runagood® Pathway in action