Identifying your client's underperformance

So, we’ve looked at using technology to assess a business’s potential compared to today, then moved into business planning to work out how to close the gaps (see previous post).

We built a Financial Management Plan and implemented it using a variety of methods that suited the Client’s budget, to create a solid base (see previous post).

And now, as the Client’s Locum FD we are reviewing their monthly management accounts against budget to work on profits, cashflow and funding.

This work is showing up the non-financial drivers of underperformance i.e:

  1. Marketing – not enough new business coming in

  2. Operations – not enough repeat business

  3. Systems – inefficiency and lack of data

  4. People – unproductive and uncommitted

  5. Value – business not worth what it should be

All these were budgeted to be higher, so what’s wrong?

The next five posts will propose remedies you can apply so we’ll look more closely at them.

Practical stuff from AI Business Advisor® see the series here