How to plan your client's exit strategy

So, the Personal Dashboard® assessment has identified your client’s clear personal goal to Exit the business by a given date. It may be for retirement, to start another business, or passing it onto family or a partner. Whatever, the value needs to be maximised between now and then. 

The Runagood® Exit Strategy is composed of 12 Methods, each a step along the way to coming out with maximum value, minimum ongoing obligations, and upfront payment terms. Inside each of these is up to 20 detailed Action Plans which when organised and acted upon early will achieve double the value of an unprepared or quick sale. 

The pathway will be clear and effective in your hands.   

In the next post we’ll look at where you and the business owner have chosen a Recovery goal following a setback and how to achieve it.

Practical stuff from AI Business Advisor® see the series here