Business Consultancy Skills Training & Support

Runagood® Blog

If you are looking to transition from a compliance-based financial account to a fully-fledged AI Business Advisor®, our blog is your essential resource. Packed with valuable posts on diversifying your accountancy practice, increasing revenue, upskilling, and future-proofing your skillset and business, our blog is a must-read for ambitious accountants. Stay ahead of the curve and unlock new opportunities by delving into the transformative insights and guidance offered in our blog.

How to build your client's plan

So, your Client has chosen to work with you to achieve a given business value by a chosen future date (see last post). and wants to know how this will be achieved. The first step is to create a plan from one the 17 models in the Runagood® system. Usually, Finance comes first as the business must build on the rock of sound finances before branching out into marketing, operations, systems, people initiatives.

Together, you will agree a Vision of what the business’s future finances will enable them to do with their lives, then a financial mission to guide the new strategy. These are pre-existing for you to edit.

Then you will select the first Objective from a range of readymade options and automatically display the KPIs which will track implementation progress.

Next step is to select the Methods (strategies) to implement which I’ll cover in the next post.

Practical stuff from AI Business Advisor® see the series here