Business Consultancy Skills Training & Support

Runagood® Blog

If you are looking to transition from a compliance-based financial account to a fully-fledged AI Business Advisor®, our blog is your essential resource. Packed with valuable posts on diversifying your accountancy practice, increasing revenue, upskilling, and future-proofing your skillset and business, our blog is a must-read for ambitious accountants. Stay ahead of the curve and unlock new opportunities by delving into the transformative insights and guidance offered in our blog.

How to start a 'whole business' advisory discussion with your client


Many accountants struggle to make the philosophical switch from accounting and compliance  issues to business advisory.

You may ask things like “how’s it going?” then listen politely to complaints about customers, staff, cashflow, technology, and red tape.

But how do you navigate from there into offering solutions about the likes of marketing, people management, financial strategy and systems skills? And if you did, would you be taken seriously? And if you were, what chance you’d get paid?

So these are the real challenges when diversifying from accountancy into whole business advisory:

  • How to start the conversation?

  • How to be credible?

  • Where to find the solutions?

  • How to deliver them?

  • How to get paid?

  • How to feel OK with it?

Which is how at Runagood® we learned that our technology was insufficient alone to convert an accountant into a ‘whole business’ advisor.  

So we’ve added psychology to our training, by which I mean enabling an accountant to visualise themselves doing consultancy work and how to understand and manage the differences. 

First, the job descriptions are very different. Click the following links to view them:

Then the personality profiles. Click here to see the classic differences.

In essence, to get into holistic business advisory an accountant must navigate their mindset towards that of a consultant. They must learn to deal with uncertainty, the future, estimations and accountability. 

So the all-new 2020 Runagood® Business Centre programme starts with evaluation sessions during which accountants build a local business advisory marketing plan and experience the realities of selling and delivering consultancy work. 

For a fraction of the whole programme cost you can discover what’s involved and decide if it’s for you. 

If it isn't for you this is a high value way to find out because you get local market research, a marketing plan and a business database, regardless. And the certainty of knowing you must find an alternative strategy to replace what online compliance technology is taking away from you. 

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