KPMG's AI Predictions Have Already Come True At Runagood®
You may have seen the KPMG AI: Transforming the Enterprise report which has just come out detailing the huge rise in investment and deployment of AI tools in the business world.
What has been talked about for a long time as the technology of the future is now being applied practically. KPMG’s survey of business owners even found that whether or not a business uses AI determines its success or failure.
The report identifies several trends related to AI, which make for fascinating reading. One of those is that the technology is now converging with analytics, automation and low-code platforms – in other words, it is not being used as an isolated bit of tech any longer.
At Runagood®, since we went live in January 2019 with the world’s first intuitive business consultancy technology, we can analyse any business, anywhere, but not yet integrate with other kinds of other software because none of it deals with the future! We are alone in that.
And demand is growing for such services. KPMG found that most of the big companies they surveyed are planning to increase investment into AI by between 50% to 100% in the next three years.
When it comes to small and micro-businesses, they have traditionally been excluded from some top-end technological developments. Ninety-four percent of businesses do not currently use consultancy services, but now Runagood® can provide this service at a massive price reduction, opening the market up to absolutely everyone. The cost has been reduced from £500 to £5 per day.
The report does highlight some areas which businesses need to focus on for the deployment of AI to be successful.
These include the need for proper internal governance, the need to control AI from a human perspective, and the need to re-organise around the new technology.
At Runagood® we have thought this through. Runagood® Business Advisors have been trained in the human interface and apply a code of ethics to everything they do. Consistency, transparency and risk assessment are built into the business model. Consultants’ time is freed up by the automation, meaning they can take on hundreds of clients at once at affordable prices.
KPMG predicts a rise of AI-as-a-service, something which Runagood® provides in the form of a free online assessment tool which anyone can use. It leads to improved forecasting, planning and performance.
The final prediction is that AI could shift the competitive landscape. That is certainly true – now is the time to make sure you incorporate it into your offering. BOOK A CALL today about setting up as a Runagood® Business Centre while the investment is still low for far-sighted early adopters.