Business Consultancy Skills Training & Support

Product 2

Consultancy Product Two

Raising the performance and value of your professional practice

Start with a Runagood® benchmarking assessment that compares you to the upper tercile for comparable practices across the 6 business streams.


The gaps show what you’re losing in sales, margins, capacity, value and set the Business Plan Objectives for:

  1. £New client revenue  

  2. £Repeat sales revenue

  3. %Operating efficiency 

  4. £People productivity  

  5. £Profits  

  6. £Cashflow 

  7. £Practice value   

…then generates variable value forecasts showing levels of difficulty, so you can choose goals that best meet your need for investment, speed, ROI.


And a plan to achieve it that defines your:


When the practice has achieved perfection what it will enable you to do personally, the 5–10-year business goals that direct your life.

Business Mission 

What the practice does, for whom and to what standard. The everyday purpose of its existence that drives the business direction and values the way you want.


How each Objective will be achieved – the clever (tech) bit

Interactive Action Plans

Readymade ways to achieve the Strategies - who does what, when (another clever tech bit).



The investment needed with raised sales and margins that justify it.

Management accounts 

Tracking the monthly budget in practice to take corrective action if adverse trends develop.

KPI reports 

Weekly early warnings of pre finance trends for quick corrective action.


This approach is a complete package from Runagood® and gets you a basic practice as big and as profitable as you want, doing the things you like best, bigger and better. It works because this is what the big businesses do (and did to get big), their success is no accident.

And when you’ve mastered this for your own business (learning by doing) you’ll be able to do it for your clients to achieve the same results as a seasoned consultant, earning serious new revenue and their respect.

Book a free benchmark assessment here to get you started.

More practical stuff from Runagood®