Business Consultancy Skills Training & Support

Financial Consultancy

Financial Consultancy  

Green Zone accountant practices complete and submit Companies House and HMRC returns, often extending that into financial admin like bookkeeping, payroll, company secretarial.  

Blue Zone accountant practices have evolved into budgeting, cashflow forecasting, management accounting and performance reviewing with clients in pursuit of higher margins and closer bonds. It’s the foundation stone of advisory work by getting clients to understand their finances and how to manage them, ensuring that their business operates to a thought-out plan for how future yearend accounts will show profits and growth in shareholder funds with regular course corrections.  

Runagood® training and technology shows Green Accountants how to go Blue, enabling them to sell and deliver Financial Consultancy. Here’s how…  

By quietly working out in advance each client’s situation by using Business Dashboard® technology and sharing it with them starts a thought process that leads to an expanded contract to effectively becoming their FD, able to deliver all the Runagood® Financial Advisory Methods and build the client a profitable and cash positive business.

Have a chat with us about how it’s done here.