Business Consultancy Skills Training & Support

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Get to know us

The business is headed by Duncan Collins who has had 3 careers:

Motor industry 1963-1988. Volkswagen (GB) management team; Mazda Cars (UK) board; MCL Group, Business Ventures Director.

Despite the size of these companies, they operate through hundreds of owner managed businesses, the dealers. His job focus was on recruiting and developing them to perform to professional standards, profitably.

UK Government 1988-2010. Lead contractor developing the Training and Enterprise Councils and Business Link networks raising small business competitiveness.

These programmes reached one million owner managed businesses, covering the whole spectrum of needs with match funded consultancy and training programmes to raise performance.

Runagood® 2010-present. Founder of the only online business consultancy. Building a national network of accountants using the technology for scaling up clients from compliance to financial and business advisory work.


·          Gill – Operations

·          Blai – Technology

·          Malaika – Marketing

·          Phil – Digital

·          Colin – Finance  

·          Gaia – Design

Book a call here with any of us to find out more!