Business Improvement Methods Group

Dear Accountant,

Step 35 Taking Business Solutions into Clients  

In my last post we completed how to do Project Management, the last of the 6 approaches to helping a client implement any Business Method. 

So we’ll now start looking at how Business Methods work. They are grouped into: 

  1. Securing new customers.  

  2. Retaining existing customers.  

  3. Efficiency from automation and data management.  

  4. Commitment and productivity  

  5. Profitability and cashflow 

  6. Value building 

My next post will open up the Marketing Methods and how to make the right choices. 

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With kind regards from 


Duncan Collins founded Runagood® to make practical solutions affordable for owner managers whilst profitable for accountancy practices to deliver through pioneering AI technology. He has automated the 000’s of practical consultancy techniques he developed used during 60 years of running, helping, buying, selling one million businesses large and small. Ask  him anything, anytime, for free, at: 


The ‘Runagood® Business Pathway’ takes any client from start up to exit solving their every ambition and problem along the way.
…via a National Accountant Network.