People Methods Group

Dear Accountant,

My last post dealt with you as your client’s FD / Advisor reviewing their Business Dashboard® Report to consider why people productivity is a costly £82K below capacity.  

On reviewing the online library of Runagood® People Methods and the content of each you decided that the workforce is relatively stable, knowledgeable, skilful and compliant. But that the missing element is a lack of focus on business performance. So you start with P05, Performance Management.  

This is a large one and central to the performance of any business that employs people so my next few posts will go into detail. Meanwhile, you can take a closer look at this and all the tech here.

With kind regards from


This is one of a major series that reveals all the processes to use. But if you wish to jump ahead to see what’s coming, ask us here or to see what’s already been posted click here.

Duncan Collins founded Runagood® to make practical solutions affordable for owner managers via accountancy practices, profitably, by pioneering AI. He has automated the 000’s of consultancy techniques he learned the hard way during 60 years of running, helping, buying, selling businesses large and small. Ask him anything, anytime for free at

There is a ‘Runagood® Business’ Process
 for every Business Owner Ambition and Problem