How to get additional revenue from every client (Client Management)
If you want clients asking for more here’s what you do. It’s neither difficult, nor expensive, but does involve that always elusive investment of time until it becomes embedded as your new way of client management. And recognise - it takes 12 months to produce continuous results as you gain skills, knowledge and experience.
Here are the components of the Runagood® Way, and I will describe each in more detail in my next weekly emails:
It’s all about process. No selling involved, in fact that’s a turnoff. Once started you just keep going, and it gradually happens. But if you can’t wait for the next 15 emails click here to get started now. And we can also do this hands-on for you, if you wish...
We are the only AI Business Advisor®s. Our specialist technology enables accountants to provide practical advice affordably. Why? Because owner managed practices are the future for the £10bn pa small business advice market. Just grasp it…
With kind regards from
Duncan Collins founded Runagood® to make practical solutions affordable for owner managers profitably for accountancy practices by pioneering AI. He has automated the 000’s of consultancy techniques he learned the hard way during 60 years of directly and indirectly running, helping, buying, selling one million businesses large and small. Ask him anything, anytime for free here.